Wednesday, February 13, 2013

A Black and White Romance.

For my very first couples shoot, I wanted to keep things simple.  Focusing 100% on the subjects.  Black and white is so straight forward, you get what you see with no complications, and that's exactly how it is with these two.  Raw and clear emotions full of love.  Feel good photos is what I capture with Brandy & Russ, thanks a bundle you two!

A true family photo.

Love that all the Christmas lights were still up on this walking bridge.  Created a lovely back drop.

Definitely one of my favorites!

Thank you incredibly to my wonderful models.  Out door modelling in Calgary in the middle of winter isn't easy, but they braved those chilly temperatures like champs.  Stay beautiful everyone!

1 comment:

  1. I have seen many different peoples takes on engagement photo's, and I know these are labeled "couples" but, your capturing love, and a moment in time, so it is, kind of, the same thing... My point(I love you, you know that), and my unbiased opinion; (and yes I can have one)I could not be any happier to learn of your future attendance in photography classes, because you have such a natural talent to capture emotion, that is not an easy thing, anyone can take a picture, only a truly naturally talented person, can create art with the push of a button. If anyone was meant to travel the world, just to bring it back with them, and make others feel like they had been there too, it is definitely you! I am VERY proud of you! I love you xo
